Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Next January 2014 ; it will be twenty-five years since Lama Ole came for the first time to Peru to teach. We have many memories: and the purpose of this blog is to rescue them before time takes them away forever.

As Lama Ole and Hannah were experiencing the adventure of exploring a new territory; we started a spiritual adventure under his guidance. Many people have listened to his teachings. Many still follow them. There have been many Phowas and Mahamudras in Lima.

What is most important is that very many persons have heard that they are not their bodies.  They have their bodies to give love and protection to others, but that they are that which listens through our ears and sees through our eyes. I don’t know how many have really understood that.
Others have realized that constant meditation will give them peace; and that external things only give short pleasure but are impermanent. A few have understood that you can only find joy  within. Those who have experienced joy through Buddhist practice know what Lama Ole means.

The inner development that we can achieve in this life through Lama Ole’s teachings is something that will not be lost. We can take it on to the next life. In fact is the only thing we can take.

And SONAM, or the merit we achieve through practice will allow us to better understand the teachings. How can we thank  the Lama for such precious gifts? There are things so precious that they are priceless. Lama Ole has gone incessantly around the globe giving these precious teachings to anyone who can hear. He has affected many people positively and conquered many hearts.

I am sorry the old times when we received Lama Ole and his entourage as close friends and had time to go to the beach are gone. He is now busier and busier because he has many more students and has to write books.

Today we have a Center in Lima where ten people live. We’ve come a long way from five persons meditating in my living room in 1991! Now we have a large Sangha. And we also visit each other with other sanghas.

Next week we will have Phowa here in Lima in a seaside resort (Ancon) outside of Lima. The weather is still warm, so it will be lovely. I can only make wishes a lot of people come!